Friday, February 9, 2007

Welcome to Postmodernism 106-036

This is the first post for the new Postmodernism 106-036 blog. Visit regularly to find new links to relevant web links, references, entertaining material and additions to official course content. It is intended as a supplement to your reader, lectures and classroom-based learning - NOT a replacement. While the material here can aid your enjoyment and understanding of the course, it's all strictly additional stuff, not primary texts.

We have decided to set up the blog as a way of adding to your experience of the course. Much of what you'll find here will be inspired by tutorial discussions and ideas that, while not central to a week's topic, might nonetheless offer fun ways of thinking about the course from different angles.

You will also be able to comment on posts, if you feel like adding to the discussion.

Let's begin.


Geist said...

Postmodernism as Pathology...
Pt. 1


Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the simpson's episode "homer the moe" last night? Moe, with the help of an interior designer, re-modelled his bar, renaming it 'M'. i thought i'd cut and paste some dialogue:

Moe: Welcome to "m," hah? Heh, heh. So, what do you think of
the new joint?
Lenny: Wow, this place looks like it's from the not-too-distant
Moe: Yeah. You like it, Homer?
Homer: [looking at live rabbits wiggling in harnesses suspended
from the ceiling] Um, the rabbits are cute.
Lenny: Eh, that one ain't moving. [points to a still rabbit]
Moe: [snaps, summoning an aide] Uh, change number 7.
Carl: I don't get all this eyeball stuff. Uh, what are they
supposed to represent? Uh, eyeballs?
Moe: It's po-mo! [blank stares from all]
Post-modern! [more staring]
Yeah, all right -- weird for the sake of weird.
Guys: Oooh!

Jess M said...

A funny song about being Postmodern:
'I'm so postmodern' by the Bedroom Philosopher.

Jess M said...

For the lyrics -

Anonymous said...

The relationship between postmodernism and modernism is like the fruit of an orange to its peel.

Some fodder for the brain.

Anonymous said...

yeah, not sure about his postmodern lyrics masterclass:

Anonymous said...

this doesn't make any sense.

exilestreet said...

Just about the Sex Pistols. That song wasn't on the original vinyl. Must be a CD add on. Though Malcolm McLaran did realese a bootleg of the record two weeks before the original Virgin Records copy came out. Postmodern I guess.

postmodernism2007 said...

Re: Sex Pistols - Sorry, my mistake. It's from the Great Rock 'n Roll Swindle, which was really a soundtrack to the documentary of the same name. Maybe it's even more appropriate, since the doco/album were as much about cashing in on the success of their first album as anything else, and in a way they didn't even want to make it. So again, you've got songs made by artists who weren't, and didn't want to be. But are now considered classics... Perhaps.

exilestreet said...

re;with sampling you may want to look into Negativeland and John Oswalds' Plunderphonics which both predate DJ Shadows work. regards Tim