Friday, March 2, 2007

Is Wikipedia enough?

Looking beyond Wikipedia - and yes, there is a world beyond it! - here are some excellent online resources that will help you get a handle on the basics of postmodernism:

Written in dot-points and table form, this succinct intro from the University of Georgetown has been included in many a postmodernism reader.

From Purdue University, a lengthier and more historically-focused introduction.

The University of Colorado lists resources according to theorist.

Postmodern Culture is one of the most respected journals published in the field.
Another worth checking out is Kritikos.

Last but not least, if you're feeling shaky about the distinction between sign and signified, signifier and signification, then Daniel Chandler's Semiotics for Beginners is for you.



Anonymous said...

tables! point form! something CLEAR and understandable?? wow, thankyou!

Geist said...

No it is not enough and that's why we were granted conservapedia by whatever forces shape this cosmos...